Shota's Testimony

Hello my name is Shota living in kobe. 22years old.

I didn’t grow up in Christian home. I had never met Christian until I became a college student. It was the time where a Christain club called CCC passed out flyers and I got one.

When I first looked at the flyer I was interested in English not in Christian because some of CCC missionaries came from America. I went to the place where ccc gathered on campus for the first time. It was so good that I was able to learn English. Everyone is very kind to me. I kept going to ccc every week. One day one of them shared the gospel with me using small booklet called KGP. Sin didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t accept Christ at that time

 One of ccc students asked me to come to chapel but I didn’t wanna go because the image of church was very bad.

Even though I was afraid to go to church. I tried to go there

I found it very different from what I thought. I listened to the message that I am loved by god. And they talked about that we worry about using the bible.

Even though I was not a Christian I went to the church every Friday

 I slowly getting to know GOD and want to know more God. But I could not decide to become a Christian. Because I heard a lot of scary testimony that I have never experienced. I thought I needed to have one like that when I become a Christian. Mission team from Taiwan came to Japan and shared testimony with me. It was so simple that she accepted Christ when a missionary shared her gospel. Listing to her testimony made me think that I don’t need scary moment. special experience. Thing that I need is faith. I decided to become a Christian through her testimony.

Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life.

Isaiah 43:4 ESV

Things that are changed after Christ is I can tell my friend about myself.

I want able to share what I think because they might judge me. But now I have no anxious thought because God loves me just who I am

Things that are most changed is I want to know everyone about gospel. Lord is the hope. Living hope. Ill try to share the gospel wherever i go.

There a lot of people who have never heard of the gospel. I approach them and tell them that god loves you. Thanks for loving me and teaching me what love is! Thanks