

Rome #4

God's Judgment Without Favoritism

Romans 2:1~29


I.       Review (1:18~32)


II.     Background to Paul writing chapter 2


III.   Principle of God's judgment (2:1~11)

A.      Those who judge others will be judged (2:1~5)

1.      Jews judged and looked down on the Gentiles (2:1~2),

 (Matthew 7:1~2)

2.      Jews thought they would be exempt from God's judgment (2:3~5)

B.      No favoritism in God's judgment (2:6~11)


IV.    Misunderstanding of the law of the Jews and Paul's argument (2:12~16)

A.      We are saved because we have the law
Cannot be saved just by having the law (2:12~13)

B.      Gentiles do not have the law, so they have no choice but to perish
Gentiles do not have the law, but they have a conscience (2:14~16)


V.      Mistaken basis for salvation of the Jews and Paul's criticism (2:17~29)

A.      Because God has given us the law
Pride of having the law and action in reality is far apart (2:17~24)

B.      Because we are circumcised Those who are circumcised in

 their heart are the ones who are saved (2:28~29)


VI.    Being saved, walk with pride in Jesus

A.      Trying to find value in ourselves

B.      Saved by faith because of grace (Ephesians 2:8~9)

C.      Importance of taking pride in Jesus and valuing what Jesus values

D.     Unity in the church when we take pride in Jesus